Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Friends in Denmark

I just arrived in Denmark.  It is such a beautiful country with great mountains and shining seas.  I am in Denmark on a business trip to help out an old friend -- if you can call it that!  My friend is King Hrothgar whom I have known since I was a small warrior.  Our friendship is so great that nothing could split us apart. 
I hope to gain fame and riches from this trip.  Hopefully, the fame will make me known worldwide.  I will gain these attributes if I defeat this evil monster that troubles King Hrothgar’s mead hall.  We had a safe boat ride over here and no injuries yet.  Hopefully, it will stay that way. 
The air here is so crisp and clean that it actually makes our horses feel better.  I love the rolling hillss so I can gallop with my noble steed.  There are also many crystal, clear rivers.  When we approached the mead hall, we could see that there was no protection whatsoever.  I have already seen King Hrothgar and he has welcomed me graciously.  Almost everyone here is grateful for our coming and keeps giving

A Stupid Little Punk

Earlier tonight, while I was sitting around the mead hall having a delightful feast,  a little punk tried to question my abilities.  His name was Unferth and he shall forever be my personal enemy.  He came out and said, “Well aren’t you the fool who swam a swimming match with Brecca and won?”  I could tell he was very jealous that I was a much better warrior than he.  He kept rambling on about how I was a boastful fool.  He was also saying that I was young and had no better idea than to swim in the ocean.  
 I became extremely angry when he taunted me, mostly because that was when I lost my best friend.  I have not seen Brecca since that storm swept us apart.  I don’t know if he is safe or dead but one thing is for sure, I miss him dearly.    After I could not take it any longer, I shot a very cunning comment at him.  The comment was, “weren’t you the one who killed your own close kin?”  I was so excited that I was able to mock him using a biblical reference.  I compared him to Cain who killed his brother Abel in the Bible.  I made him so mad that he stormed out never for me to see him again.  I have to fight the monster later – wish me luck.

Battle Against The Evil One

I am still in Denmark with King Hrothgar but I just got back from the fight with the thing that was troubling Herot.  The thing’s name was Grendel, a monster who attacked at night.  He troubled the Danes so bad that they went as far away from the mead hall as possible in order to sleep.   I was not worried about the fight because, before King Hrothgar left, he toasted my future victories which foreshadowed that I would win.  
To set up an attack on Grendel, I waited until he came at night to the mead hall called Herot.  I jumped up and grabbed him with my bare hands.  When my men tried to help, their swords would not pierce his skin.  During the fight, I was able to rip off his arm and cause other fatal damage.  After I killed Grendel, I hung his arm in the rafter of Herot. 
King Hrothgar has already promised me that, before I leave, I will obtain many jewels and riches.  The Monks over here have aready started to record my great battle and they say I will live in history forever.  I realize I am glad that I am good rather than evil because luck has been fated against evil.  I am excited to say good wins!  Please pray for our safe return to Geatland. 

Water Witch

I’m glad to say I made it back from Denmark safe.  My last battle over there was my fight with Grendel’s mother.  I had to dive into a lake and descend down to the bottom.   Suddenly, when I reached the bottom, Grendel’s mom snatched me up.  She tried to tear at me but it would not work because of the chain mail I wore.  The fight attracted other monsters that tried to rip at me. They left when they realized they did no damage.  
I killed Grendel’s mother with a sword blessed with pagan magic and that was forged by giants.  I used that sword because mine would not work for some weird reason . . .  Oh -- I just realized that my sword is blessed by God.  My sword will only work if I am not angry.  If I recall correctly, I was very angry and tense.  I hope God will forgive me for being so stupid.  
Anyway,  I’m glad I came up on the winning side of the epic battle between good versus evil.  Also, I am glad to report that I came home with my treasure hulls full.  (Ha ha --  that was good use of a kenning I learned about from the poet at Herot after King Hrothgar said it.)  I am glad to be home to see all of my friends.

The End of Life

I just got back from my fight against the dragon.  This will probably be my last blog ever because the doctor said my wounds are fatal.  I have fully enjoyed my time as King and I would do it all again. 
As I reflected on my fight, I realized it was quite stupid of me to fight that fire-breathing dragon.  The only reason I fought the dragon was because of the riches he possessed.  I let jealousy get the best of me and it drove me to fight the dragon. 
As I looked back, I also realized that one thing I said does not reflect who I am.  The phrase I spoke was “fate will decide what happens to me” or something like that.  This was a very paganistic statement and I am forever sorry.  I want to be viewed as a strong Christian. 
Furthermore, I leave my kingdom to Wiglaf because he stayed with me to fight the dragon unlike others.  He is also the only Geat left who will stick to the Anglo-Saxon code, especially friendship.  Please respect and follow Wiglaf because he knows best.  I hope to see you all again someday.  Stay true to your values that I have tried to represent and instill in you.