Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Stupid Little Punk

Earlier tonight, while I was sitting around the mead hall having a delightful feast,  a little punk tried to question my abilities.  His name was Unferth and he shall forever be my personal enemy.  He came out and said, “Well aren’t you the fool who swam a swimming match with Brecca and won?”  I could tell he was very jealous that I was a much better warrior than he.  He kept rambling on about how I was a boastful fool.  He was also saying that I was young and had no better idea than to swim in the ocean.  
 I became extremely angry when he taunted me, mostly because that was when I lost my best friend.  I have not seen Brecca since that storm swept us apart.  I don’t know if he is safe or dead but one thing is for sure, I miss him dearly.    After I could not take it any longer, I shot a very cunning comment at him.  The comment was, “weren’t you the one who killed your own close kin?”  I was so excited that I was able to mock him using a biblical reference.  I compared him to Cain who killed his brother Abel in the Bible.  I made him so mad that he stormed out never for me to see him again.  I have to fight the monster later – wish me luck.

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