Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Water Witch

I’m glad to say I made it back from Denmark safe.  My last battle over there was my fight with Grendel’s mother.  I had to dive into a lake and descend down to the bottom.   Suddenly, when I reached the bottom, Grendel’s mom snatched me up.  She tried to tear at me but it would not work because of the chain mail I wore.  The fight attracted other monsters that tried to rip at me. They left when they realized they did no damage.  
I killed Grendel’s mother with a sword blessed with pagan magic and that was forged by giants.  I used that sword because mine would not work for some weird reason . . .  Oh -- I just realized that my sword is blessed by God.  My sword will only work if I am not angry.  If I recall correctly, I was very angry and tense.  I hope God will forgive me for being so stupid.  
Anyway,  I’m glad I came up on the winning side of the epic battle between good versus evil.  Also, I am glad to report that I came home with my treasure hulls full.  (Ha ha --  that was good use of a kenning I learned about from the poet at Herot after King Hrothgar said it.)  I am glad to be home to see all of my friends.

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