Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The End of Life

I just got back from my fight against the dragon.  This will probably be my last blog ever because the doctor said my wounds are fatal.  I have fully enjoyed my time as King and I would do it all again. 
As I reflected on my fight, I realized it was quite stupid of me to fight that fire-breathing dragon.  The only reason I fought the dragon was because of the riches he possessed.  I let jealousy get the best of me and it drove me to fight the dragon. 
As I looked back, I also realized that one thing I said does not reflect who I am.  The phrase I spoke was “fate will decide what happens to me” or something like that.  This was a very paganistic statement and I am forever sorry.  I want to be viewed as a strong Christian. 
Furthermore, I leave my kingdom to Wiglaf because he stayed with me to fight the dragon unlike others.  He is also the only Geat left who will stick to the Anglo-Saxon code, especially friendship.  Please respect and follow Wiglaf because he knows best.  I hope to see you all again someday.  Stay true to your values that I have tried to represent and instill in you.

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